Monday, June 14, 2010

Coit Loop

Kevin: I was meaning to add you also as a correspondent last night, but I think I was still on Mexico time. Hit me up with your email account through the 87 different avenues of communication that we have so I can invite you. You didn't fail me man sounds like you gutted it out and learned a few things. Keep bringing the music; I was meaning to ask people to add their playlists as well.

Tang, A (Nike Free 5.0)
Tang, H (Asics)
3.15 miles

Watched Bernard Lagat's USA record 5k and the London Marathon on Universal Sports channel; I'm definitely amped to run the half in November.

I'm glad that the races I'm entering are far away from 90 degrees and humidity. I also figured out that my over pronation in my left foot (ankle rolling while running) and metatarsalgia could be caused by something called Morton's toe. If your second toe is longer than your big toe, then that may be causing problems for you as well.

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