Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Long run

It's been a while since my last long run, because I have been trying to speed up for the 5k, but now that that is over, I've got the 10 miler, and the half to think about. Kevin and I set a goal for 8 miles on the bikepath, Sean was aiming for as far as he could go. Nice weather when we started at around 4:45ish. I started out really well, no shin or calf pain, and I thought I could have kept the pace up for more than 8 miles (around a 10 minute mile pace once we got going).

My hammy started to hurt around mile 3, so I decided I would turn around after around 3.7-3.8 miles or so, Kevin motored down to mile 4. I also was epically thirsty and hungry, as I really hadn't eaten anything all day, and I felt like I was going to pass out at any second.

Kevin ate up the road at 8 miles in I think about 76 minutes or so.

I ran about 7.4 in about 78 minutes... It was pretty terrible though.

Sean ran his furthest consective run since joining Clan Tang...4 miles.

Nikki ran too, but I have no idea how far, she'll probably post something since I put this up.

PS Broke 200 miles, its a week of milestones. Way to go on the 1k Tang. Don't know if I'll ever get there.

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