Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Case of the Mondays..on Tuesday

At work, it turns out telling a tale about beating a 10 year old girl at a race doesn't really intrigue women.

4.67 miles
Tang A (NB 904)

To break another 100 miles for the month, I had to rely on the motivation of a possible new member of the team. That motivation helped me beat the three hills of doom trail (and random energy even AFTER work thanks to 10 hours of sleep from sore quads). Of note, whenever I have to stop for cars, I stare down the passenger because I have found out there's a 50% chance they are insecure and like to shout things (aka me in high school)

Again, keep in mind if you're not getting shouted at on the run, either you are:
a) running at odd hours or on a trail
b) not running

Today's tete-a-tete:
Teenager passenger: IT'S A TRAP
me: [stares menacingly]

What's worse is you used an internet forum joke in real life (IRL). The future of America, middle-class idiots.

OR this could be karma for the race.

Anyways, the great news is that I didn't really believe it but after 3 months
of consistent running, I think I got my speed back.

This July, I'm entering unchartered territory if I tack on another 100 mile-month.

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