Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Operation: Beat Eamer

I woke up deciding I wasn't going to run... well that lasted only a few hours. I ran by myself on the bike path, and I wanted to run 4 easy miles non-stop. I ended up only doing 3 because my calf started bothering me. I also think I went out too hard for my "easy" run. I ran 3 miles in just under 29:00. I wasn't out of breath and felt good, so maybe my fitness level is just getting better, as my "easy" pace from a month ago was probably 10:30 or even 11 minutes a mile.

The run also gave my hope for the upcoming race. I was feeling really good throughout and easily could have kept going, but wanted to keep myself from blowing up my calf. I still do not have that much confidence that I'll beat Eamer, but we shall see.

I'm not sure how much I should run before the race. I'm thinking about taking tomorrow off and running easy on Thursday and then taking Friday off.

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