Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Coach Tang Address

"Dear Team, If you're reading this entry, you already know. The house has been boarded up. The windows, the doors, everything. We're in Mexico. Room 112. I love you. Tang."
-Old School remixed for the team

[+] Coach speech for the race
[+] Coach on current posters

Unfortunately I'll be MIA in MEX til Sunday so I can't text you guys an hour before to wish you good luck a la Eamonn before every exam. You guys know I would have LOVED to see this race live to cheer you on but I'll be knee deep in cerveza and a conga line.

So GOOD LUCK at the race guys. Remember, get some SLEEP this week. Get all your gear planned out the night before so you are not searching for it minutes before leaving for the race. Properly warm up and stretch beforehand. Eat a small breakfast 2 hrs before (only if you usually eat). If you should feel nervous just remember that you HAVE finished this distance before, you've logged the miles, and that you dominated a race just one month ago.

I'm hoping that when I return (as dark as can be) I'll see some race reports (RR) and some personal records (PRs). Go out there relaxed, don't run too fast for the first mile, and above all else, help each other out; it's a team. Pat set the great precedent: finishing first means being the first cheerleader.

[stolen from an earlier post]

The less you think about trying to meet some arbitrary goal, the better; after all, Prefontaine said it best "A lot of people run a race to see who's fastest. I run to see who has the most guts". That's all I care about; if you can tell me you tried your hardest (barring injury), I'm proud of the effort you put out.

We are all an experiment of one in running. Hopefully everyone will learn a lot from this experience and :crosses fingers: continues to run; if not, there is no pressure to.

Your success is not only a triumph of the individual but the support of family and friends

Knapp: Your plan for this week makes sense; if you feel like running, just go easy. Sorry about the added pressure of the first poll. Beating Eamer shouldn't be your goal. (Although you are kicking his butt at the polls 10-0) Also, please tell me someone tried the body glide instead of me thinking it's still on the coffee table at Ashton Mills.
Sri: haha thanks Mom, I'll cut my miles back in Mexico. I'm glad to know the #1 student and I share something in common--not studying. I believe by your entries you'd like to run with a person so I hope in St. Louis you can either find someone who runs at your residency or motivate someone to start.

Jess: Welcome as a writing runner. Cramps and dehydration, BINGO. I did that on my bonk day and it was not pretty. Awww, I miss Blackstone so much.

Nikki: Also, welcome to writing and running. 4 pairs of running shoes makes you a runner but also makes you a girl. btw, sick tempo run. You've got the speed.
(Could've thrown in a Top Gun "I've got the need. the need for speed" quote. But I promised myself I wasn't gonna be lame)

Tang (NB 904)

running at NIGHT in Plano so I can tire myself out to wake up at 4 AM for a flight to MEX...not too bad.

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