Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nikki Breaks 100 miles!!!!

After a long day of dumb CVS classroom training bullcrap, I made the long drive over to Knapp and Kevin's apartment.

Thanks to rush hour traffic, I started on the bike path about an hour later than everyone else, so I thought I'd do a nice and easy 3 miles. I think I was going at about a 12 minute pace, which I think I'm getting used to because even after 2 miles, I didn't feel too winded like I usually do.

By the time I reached the 1.5 mile mark, I was still feeling really good, so I decided to push it a little further and try 4 miles instead of three. I actually felt really great until the last half mile when I started to get really out of breath, but after I finished I felt really accomplished and proud that I had done 4 miles without stopping (first time for me!). Sean can attest to my excitement :P.

Sean did a solid 4 miles too, and Kevin and Knapp were the ballers of the running crew today and doubled our distance. I'm going to try to up it to six miles next week and then 8 miles after that. I think my goal for Blessing is to keep about a 12 min pace for as long as I can! I'm very excited about it now :).

I don't know what time I finished in, but I'm assuming it was around 48-50 min, since I think I kept my 12 min. pace for most of the run.

I also broke the 100 mile mark today! To date, I have run 102.8 miles...woohoo!

Nikki - 4 mi (~48 min) - Nike Airmax

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