Friday, June 4, 2010

For Boston, for Boston

Here goes the first post from the Boston chapter of the TCRC....

After taking what seemed like a year off from shin splints I returned to the streets for an easy 3. After being pumped to run all day it started downpouring like crazy the second I got home for work, so like a team waiting out a rain delay myself and Lauren got a few things done around the apt and waited it out. Once it stopped around 7pm the sun came back out and it was beautiful running conditions, not too hot or too cold, no humidity, just right.

The run was nothing special, just took it easy for 3 miles up and down Broadway in Somerville. I didnt want to push it too hard being by first run after the bad shin splints so me and Lauren just kept pace together. With about a mile left a stampeed of runners that had to be in some sort of running club wizzed by us for what seemed like 5 minutes one after another, simultaneously For Boston by the Dropkick Murphies came on the ipod, I probably coulda busted out a 3 min mile at that moment, theres nothing like the Dropkicks and people whizzing by you to get the running juice flowing.

I was impressed with Lauren who has only run once since the 5k and kicked it in strong at the end, finishing up with what was probably a sub 9 minute mile.

I'm loving the recaps from everyone, getting a taste of how everyone is doing, its a good way to keep in touch.

Knapp and KOB pulling out 6 miles like its nothing, that's pretty damn good at this stage of the game since all your looking to do by October is 13. You'll be able to pound it out easy by then. Do you have a training schedule for the half? I modified the marathon one that I used and have the runs starting in July if you're interested I can send it over.

Sri, good job with the running alone. Running alone is tough because its hard to motivate yourself to get out there and run when there is no one pushing you, but once you get used to it I think you'll find that you like it better. I love running alone, I'm not a fan of running with other people as much (sorry Laur haha) but there's just something about running alone, a certain freedom to it. You want to run at 5:46, you run at 5:46, you don't have to wait for anyone or change your schedule, you run when you want and at the pace you want and you just go out there and get it done. Keep it up Latha!

Brian, congrats on the triple digits, in impressive fashion I may add, seeing it was 6.5 miles away and going out there and banging it out all at once is quite a feet, great determination Biney. And you guys got a condo down in MD? When'd you buy it? thats awesome! You get it in time for the tax credit?

I shall be seeing you guys(hopefully most of you) at Caseys grad party, We've got 4 grad/birthday parties that day but we're only gonna go to 2, gonna go to my cousins for an hour or 2 and head to Caseys for the rest of the afternoon/night, should be a good time.

Good luck and Good Speed

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