Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Return from a brief hiatus

It's been a while since I posted in the blog, but I've kept running steadily. Actually I am running more now than I ever have. I have ran in 7 straight days, and last weeks 23 miles is a high for me, probably should have been longer but it has been brutally hot outside, so I have been doing the runs for the most part on the treadmill. Since there the 10 miler race is coming up I felt like I had to keep cranking out the long runs. So I looked at the weather a few days ago and picked today. Thank God I did, it was 73, sunny, with a nice breeze....niceeeee.

My goal for the run was 7 nonstop miles. The highest previous nonstop run for me was 4.5 miles I think. Since the weather was so nice I thought this might be achievable. I ran on the bike path and was feeling good, through the first 3 miles I was at almost exactly 30 minutes, so I was right on target for me. I got to the 3.5 mark where I was planning on turning around, and I decided what the hell, let's go up to 4. My knee and shin on my left leg started hurting decently after mile 5 (I could probably use a day off), but I kept up the 10 minute pace for the most part. Once I hit 7.5 miles, I decided I had enough and wanted to walk the last .5 miles, due to my knee.

Overall, I am happy... I ran 7.5 miles in just under 77 minutes, but the best part is I didn't stop once, and I never really felt like I needed to. I also feel like 10, then 13.1, then 26.2 will be easily achievable ....well maybe not 26.2.

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