Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ashton Mills - Group Run

It was so nice to be back in Rhode Island, where running was fun again. We planned to go running in the morning before we went to Kasey's graduation party, and everybody had their own goals in mind: 3 or 4 miles.

Andy (Saucony) 3+ miles
Kevin (Nike Free) 4.0 miles
Sean (NB) 3.0 miles
Nikki (Nike Free) 3.0 miles
Sri (NB) 3.0 miles

I did a tempo run in order to see a new color on my runningahead log (and yes, the desire for a new color was the only reason I did not do an easy run - now I have a fuschia column!). As Andy mentioned in one of the earlier posts about tempo runs, I tried to go at a pace that was slower than my 5K but faster than a 10K. I didn't run quite as fast as my 5K race pace, but very close to it. Since it was not an actual race, I felt quite accomplished after, especially since my last several runs have been nowhere near that pace.

Nikki was very pleased with her run too, as she did not have to stop at all to take any walking breaks.

It was my first time running with Sean (fellow NB runner), and I think he was happy with the run.

Kevin decided to run shirtless a minute into the run. I lost sight of him after the first mile or so, but he ran pretty quickly despite his knee injury, and finished not too long after I did with an extra mile under his belt.

Andy was doing well for the beginning part of the run and keeping up with Kevin. However, the tempo run from earlier in the week may have caused him to pull a calf muscle, resulting in excruciating pain for the latter part of the run forcing him to walk.

All in all, everyone did well in my opinion! Those with injuries (Kevin and Andy) have gotta rest up for the big race next Saturday!

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