Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tang Tangles with the Triple Hill of Hedgcoxe Doom Twice (and Triumphs)

NEW poll up

[Running] Pagin me at 6:46
in the mornin, crack of dawn an,
now I'm yawnin, wipe the cold out my eye
-Notorious B.I.G. "Warning" Run remix

Tang, J
Tang, L
6:30 AM

Tang, A (NB 904)
6:46 AM, 9.34 miles

I love the smell of new running shoes. The Maiden voyage of the 904s was the same as any Tang run; filled with running errors. Breaking in a new pair on 9.34 miles? Dumb. Even with negative splits, could I consider bonking at the same 8.5 mile mark? Nay nay, not today. Getting acclimated will take some time; I ran 12 in Rhode Island without feeling like bonking.

Thoughts while on the run:

-the street before the triple hill of doom is named Rolling Hills. Ha. Ha.

-the light poles in Providence: littered with the newest MySpace band
-the light poles in Plano: littered with the latest missing kitty

-the role model for the biker gang in Providence: Harley Davidson
-the role model for the biker gang in Plano: Lance Armstrong
They scared the bejesus out of me when 8 of em whirred by me talking.

-I said earlier you could tell how fast a runner was by the shortness of their shorts. My new theory is in Plano you can estimate how many miles you've run by how many "GOOD MORNING"s you get. I'm going to start a counter to see if this holds true.

-the only non-wave/good morning I got was from a roller blader. Soul skater you are not

-after mile 2, the decision had been made: shirtless. Not because of the Rhode Island chapter's usual hootin' and hollerin' for it but because it is insanely hot. Hey, less laundry for Mama Tang.

Breaking in the new NB 904s, the update to the 903s. Bober, I apologize for another delay in getting some Asics.

You know you are a runner when you have 4 pairs of running shoes.

Everyone: I love that I can come to this site to not write but to actually read the different entries and see the different styles of writing. Down to the signature sign off messages. Oh yeah I figured out how to put polls up on the blog; the first one is up on the left.

Brian-:slow hand clap: busting out the 100 man. Awesome job. I told Sri this but it applies for you as well. See if the people at your residency want to start running or already run. I'm pretty sure at least one person would want to. Throw a race in down there in Maryland, see what 100 miles means.

Knapp-Dude, my Dad is a front runner a la Kevin but it's so much easier/ fun to yell at Kevin. I hear ya on being at the back of the pack in gym class. Busting sub-8, awesome man. Your intuition is correct; when you run faster, your form has to improve. Running lots of easy miles is just a way to protect us from injury but running faster recruits more fast twitch muscles and again, you have to run more efficiently which leads to improved form.

Pat- I just wanted to take an excerpt from your Friday post:
And I quote,"relatively I'm not even fast at running them [5ks] anymore". Did anyone else chuckle after reading this? If that Cox 5k was your slow, I would have loved to have seen what fast was. Penny loafers for your run? Awesome equipment, I want to see that for your running log. Also, for today's 9.3 mile run, I hear ya on running solo since I got up at the crack of dawn.

When the time came to pack up the car for Texas, it came down to four 6-packs of blueberry beer (3 Wachusett, 1 Newport Storm) -OR- a printer. I made the right choice.

After watching City Island at the Angelika, the line is now divided in the Tang household after I came down wearing a Plano cross country shirt which offended the littlest Tang who was actually on the team. (I just bought my shirt). A battle of 4 years of high school versus 2 years of college independent running. A friendly rivalry may be bubbling and it's now Team Aaron versus Team Heather. Thanks for egging us on Mom.

Someone with Adobe/ artistic skills, turn my half ass MS paint drawing in to a logo:

I would've, but on the move down as I stated above this, I left my scanner/printer in Providence.

And finally, for those couch potatoes who run, Universal Sports has marathons and triathlons in the AM. Great motivation right there.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty sure I have 4 pairs of running shoes...does that make me a runner? :P
