Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nikki completes her first tempo run!!! (unintentionally)

After a long 10-hour shift at work, I felt inspired squeeze in a nice, short, slow-paced run before dinner.

I even brought Mama Hilliard along for the ride, giving her an excuse to use her spiffy iPod shuffle I bought her for Christmas last year.
As "they" always say...a family that walks/runs together...has...funs together??? I don't know, something along those lines...you get what I mean.

The plan was to run up and back to the duck pond on sweet allen, where I used to frolic around as a young child and feed the ducks stale/moldy bread. The plan was to go at a slow pace...but that didn't happen. By the time I back up the hill to my house, I felt like death (usually what I feel like after 3 miles, not 1.5)! I looked down at my watch and realized that I had only been running for 12:48!!!

So, essentially, I did 1.51 miles in 12:48..and would definitely consider this to be a tempo run and a new PR. I don't think I've ever run this fast in my life.....ever.


Man, if I could keep that pace for the 5K, I would be so happy....doubt that would happen tho ;)

Nikki (Nike Airmax Greens): 1.51 mi. (8:29 minutes/mi pace)

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