Thursday, June 3, 2010


....and it feels so good.

Today the Ashton Combo ran with the fellow Tang Clan members, Brian and Sri. Thanks to the CVS graduate conference Kevin and I each had two days off, so we thought today would be an excellent day for a long run... first it started at 8 miles than as we were running it went down to 7 then finally down to 6... except for Mr. 100.

Although it wasn't all a loss at the CVS conference, as one of our head honchos bought us numerous drinks and talked to us about running for what must have been an hour. Apparently he is doing a marathon in October, which I was very tempted to do (so I can run and kiss ass at the same time) ... although that motivation quickly disappeared after today's run.

Brian only needed 6.5 miles for the most important running milestone of our short careers... 100 big ones. Which means he only has 2800 miles left till Florida.

The ran went well for me for the first 4 miles or so, till I cramped up pretty badly and had to walk for what seemed like an eternity. It didn't help much that I had to tell Kevin to slow down probably 6 times...things haven't changed much Tang.

Brian finished his goal, while the rest of us, sweaty and tired, decided to quit after 6 miles. After today's run I am a little uncertain about the Half. The two saving graces are that it is a long time away still and that it is in October so hopefully I won't think I am going to have a heat stroke at any minute.

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