Saturday, June 19, 2010

Creative/Alliterative Title

Sri: I'd like to help you out as far as music goes but I got to ask what kind of music you are looking for:

pop, rap, techno, fast, or slow

I'm pretty sure a blog of writers can help you come up with a list of music for running. I find a nice mix of songs from commercials and songs that have some ties to happiness help. Like Maino-"All The Above". Under normal circumstances, I would not listen to it but because it reminds me of the time my Texas friends and Rhode Island friends had an epic night, it helps me on my runs.

You can also try googling the song's name and artist and typing 'mp3' after it or going to

Side note, if you have been running with the same playlist, I don't know if this happens to you guys but if I hear it outside of running, I get this sense of euphoria listening to it and want to go run. Kind of a Pavlovian response.

Okay, to today:
  • retirement?
  • working out for runners
Tang, A (NB 903)

Texas running: smelling barbeque throughout the neighborhood.
Real estate sign saying: "Honey, Stop The Car!"

Having lost my mojo thanks to Mexico, I think I got it back just one week away from my first mile race. I think my ill-informed goals will be:
1) sub 7:00
2) sub 7:30
3) sub 8:00

On the run today, I realized it's all about the sun rather than the humidity; the sun is setting and it's 90 but feels like 97 instead of 100. Big difference.

Running in my mustard-colored New Balance 903s, I realized that its imminent retirement will be a sad day. These shoes went everywhere (RI, NJ, VA, AR, TX, Mexico) and helped me set my 5k PR and have been the best balance of cushion and minimalism for me.

I decided to pick up doing runner-specific exercises again. Boy was I in for an awakening as everything felt sore around the core, hip, and glute area. I don't think I really covered this subject well with you guys, but it is definitely important to keep these areas strong not only for the looks but more importantly to keep you away from injury.

Here's an entry I wrote on hip exercises. Check out the rest of the videos on Runner's World and try slowly incorporating them in to your running schedule. My favorite ones are the alphabet plank, the hip ones that are in the hip exercises entry, and the yoga stretches post-run that I showed many of you.

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