Friday, June 4, 2010

The Run of Bunker Hill

Somerville/Charlestown, MA

Pat (Penny Loafers)

I got home from work today and decided to go for a run, I didn't have a route in mind so I decided to go a way that I never head and go left down Broadway. After running thrCugh the ghetto known as East Somerville I got into Charlestown, first the ghetto of charlestown and finally hit Bunker Hill where it starts to get nice. I didn't have a turn around point in mind so I decided to go all Forrest Gump on the run and just keep running until I hit the water. That's when I got to the Charlestown Navel yard, it was awesome. Tons of people walking around and an awesome view of the city so I ran down to the end and turned it back around. When I got back I mapped it on mapmyrun and it ended up being 7 miles which I was happy with since I felt stronger as the run went on and could have easily pushed it to 10.

I decided that I don't like 5k's, training for them isn't fun, you have to run fast and relatively I'm not even fast at running them anymore. Although I try to push it a little running distance (8-8.5 min pace) it has a much more relaxed feel to it. And you get to span a lot of ground and see a lot of things, so I'm pumped to be training for distance again.

Knapp I'll send that schedule over on Monday, it's on my work computer.

I've asked my dad to find out how many #'s his friend can get for the Boston Marathon. I'm hoping he can get a few (just in case), but we'll see, I'll keep you all posted.

Good luck and Good Speed

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