Monday, June 28, 2010

Weekend and Monday

The only running-related topics that came up this weekend were that my tale of beating a crying 10 year old girl at a mile race killed in conversation and then at the Sunday pool party, I remembered watching this viral video:

Liquid Mountaineering

This led to me mentioning the idea of running on water which started 7 or 8 attempts by Pritesh to run/skim on Dharmesh's pool after a head start in the alley way, through the gate, and full speed in to water at an angle, armed with only Starter moisture repellant socks and determination. I guess I had him at "It's just like skipping rocks on water".

Hilarious Facebook and/or YouTube video up shortly.

Tang A,L

Mom got a 2-3 minute head start which left me with no choice but to channel my persistence hunter ancestors (read Born To Run one too many times) and caught up. Speaking of Born To Run, the review of the book will be up some time this week.

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