Monday, June 7, 2010

Nikki's 1st Self-Motivating(sort of) Run...

I passed up the great opportunity to run with Knapp at the Cumberland bike path this afternoon, because I thought it would be better to go home and "study"..and by "study" I mean doing a 10-minute online CVS module before falling asleep for 2 hours.

After waking up, face and couch drenched in drool, I realized I had accomplished nothing for the day. So...with a little motivation from on-line Sri and a inner-monologue narrated by the great Coach Tang telling me to get my lazy ass off the couch, I decided to go for a run around my neighborhood.

It was around 5:15 pm, so the heat of the day was starting to fade away and there was a nice breeze, so I was super psyched to run. Usually, when I run with the Cumberland crew, we run during early/mid afternoon, when the heat and humidity are at its worst. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm sure its great to train in that kind of setting, because that is most likely what the temperature will be on race day(next Saturday), but there's something about that weather that makes me want to not run/kill myself. So, with that said...I really, really enjoyed the change in climate while running.

My route started at the tippity-top of the hill on which my house is located in tiny Wakefield. I ran past Briarwood, and crossed the street to the hilly section of Sweet Allen Farm. I then ran past my old Junior High School and down to the pond trail I used to run at when I was training with my track team in High School.

I know, I know....Nikki??? on the track team??? I know you're all experiencing shock and awe right about now, but don't get too excited...I wasn't setting records in the 800 meters or anything like that...I just threw the javelin. And not very well, I might add.

After reaching the trail (which I didn't run on because I'm saving it for another day), I turned back and made the 1.5-ish miles back about 34.5 minutes.

My first successful run by myself! So, now I can say that today wasn't a total waste. Hopefully, I'll do the same thing tomorrow when I get out of work at 7pm. Womp, womp.

Nikki - Green Airmax Nike's
3.1 mi.

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