Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Long Run

Yesterday, for the first time, I ran approximately 8 miles non-stop. We had run 8 miles before, on Block Island, but with numerous stops. It felt damn good to know that I was running such a long distance for a majority of the run, until around the 6.5 mile mark, when an overwhelming feeling of death took over. Along the way I met a nice family of bikers and ran through the Rhode Island swampy bad lands (where there are warnings about man-eating snapping turtles). I also made it all the way to the ghetto's of Central Falls. I'd like to think that I would have kept running through CF if it were not for the fear of being shanked, but there is no way I could have gone any further.

All in all it was a very successful run and I may have solved the knee pain dilemma along the way. I realized yesterday that all of my knee pain began around the time that I started trying to land more on the balls of my feet, rather than my more natural running motion, where I land on the heels of my feet. So, yesterday I went back to the heel first strategy and after the run and an extensive post run stretch, my knee was nearly pain free. We'll see how future runs go and if the knee pain returns.

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